Light Feelings bouquet (9 White Roses)


Embrace the serenity of pure love with the Light Feelings bouquet from Flowers-Thailand, featuring 9 handpicked white roses. These roses, symbols of sincere emotions and new beginnings, are perfect for expressing your deepest feelings. Whether it’s a romantic gesture or a heartfelt thank you, this bouquet speaks volumes. Delicately wrapped in premium paper with lush greenery, it’s available for same-day delivery in Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket. Remember to choose the correct store for your city before adding this elegant bouquet to your cart. Please note, slight variations in the arrangement or a wrapper may occur.


The Light Feelings bouquet from Flowers-Thailand is a tribute to the purity of emotion, encapsulating the timeless elegance of 9 white roses. Each rose, chosen for its pristine beauty, symbolizes sincerity, new beginnings, and deep respect, making this bouquet an ideal gift for a variety of occasions—from romantic gestures to heartfelt apologies or even peaceful remembrances.

In the rich cultural fabric of Thailand, the number 9 is more than just a number; it signifies progress, spiritual growth, and auspicious fortune. By choosing this bouquet, you’re not only offering a gift of flowers but also a symbol of hope and well-being for the future.

This bouquet is meticulously crafted by our expert florists who have over a decade of experience in selecting the finest blooms. The roses, boasting large buds and long stems, are complemented by seasonal green fillers that add texture and depth. The arrangement is then wrapped in luxurious gift paper, creating a presentation that is as beautiful as the sentiments behind it.

Flowers-Thailand ensures that your emotions are delivered with care, offering same-day flower delivery in Thailand Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket. Whether you’re in the bustling streets of Bangkok, the serene beaches of Phuket, or the vibrant nightlife of Pattaya, your bouquet will arrive fresh and beautiful. To guarantee timely delivery, please place your order before noon and remember to select the correct store for your location. The bouquet’s appearance may vary slightly due to the artistic touch of our florists and seasonal flower availability.

Additional information

Delivery Area

Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket


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